TALL BEARDED (TB) - Most popular and showy iris. Over 27" tall
INTERMEDIATE BEARDED (IB) - Irises that are 16" to 27.5" tall. Bloom time starts earlier than TB.
Intermediate in flower size.
BORDER BEARDED (BB) - Irises that are 16" to 27.5". Smaller version of the TB and blooms at same time.
HISTORIC - Any iris introduced over 30 years ago.
STANDARDS (stds.) - Upper 3 flower petals
FALLS- Lower 3 flower petals
BEARDS (brds.) - Bushy hairs on falls
HEIGHT - This is the average height of the bloom stalk i.e. 36"
BLOOM TIME - The relative time of bloom for a variety within the bloom season. The season is determined by the geographical climate. E = early; M = Mid;
L = late. EM = early to mid; etc.
AMOENA - White standards, colored falls
BANDED - Band of different color around edge of falls and/or standards
BICOLOR - Standards and falls are different color
BITONE - Standards and falls are different shades of the same color
BLEND - Two or more colors blended together
BROKEN COLOR - Iris with random streaks of color
LUMINATA - Wash of color in falls with paler veining
NEGLECTA - Light blue standards, darker falls
PLICATA - Speckled, stitched, or solid margin of color on lighter ground
SELF - An iris of one color
VARIEGATA - Yellow standards, darker colored falls
DYKES MEDAL (DM) - Highest award given by the American Iris Society.
Given to only one iris per year.
REBLOOMERS - Usually blooms again sometime after the normal spring bloom, most often in the fall.
SPACE AGER - Iris with flounces, horns or spoons