Greetings to all iris lovers,
We are here again for our 29th year growing and selling irises. This year has brought several changes: some desired and some not.
We are a two person team whose age and health have finally forced us to cut back on our operation to only list our own creations. For the last 28 years we have hosted thousands of visitors to the display garden and shipped many thousands of rhizomes to customers all over the world. We greatly appreciate all of our loyal customers and those new customers who order from us for the first time.
2018 brought several awards to our introductions. For 2019 we are offering 8 new introductions.
We start taking orders as soon as the 2019 website is up and running. This year will only feature our own introductions with the possibility of adding some newer varieties as the season progresses. Shipping of all bare root plants is by USPS or UPS starting in July and ending mid August.
Plants can be ordered either online or by mail. Sorry we will not be offering potted irises or peonies this year
We regret that the display garden will NOT be open this year for visitors.